People are often caught unprepared for various types of emergencies. Most of the emergencies that catch people off guard are those that involve natural disasters – such as tornados, hurricanes, floods, and similar acts of nature.
If you are traveling to the Grand Canyon this Fall, there are many emergencies that may arise. A few may be natural-based, others may result due to the development of illnesses or injuries. Take the time to prepare for the possibility of a variety of issues that you can take care of with a First Aid Kit for the Grand Canyon.
In this article, we will review how you and your family can make an effective emergency supply kit to cover all types of emergencies while on your Grand Canyon vacation.
Every effective emergency supply kit has a large first aid section.
How to Make an Effective First Aid Kit for the Grand Canyon
- Have at least two pair of latex gloves for each member of your family. If you have a family of four, you should have at least eight pairs of latex gloves.
- Include at least two boxes of Band-Aids of assorted sizes. When buying the Band-Aids, it is important to buy at least one box that is waterproof. This is especially important in areas that have flooding and many water sources – like the Grand Canyon.
- Include various types of gauze and dressings. This will be extremely beneficial if anyone experiences a large cut and/or bleeding.
- Include the materials required to properly and safely clean wounds. The types of materials that are ideal in this case are liquid soaps, alcohol, peroxide, and unscented wipes.
- One tube of antibiotic ointment and/or cream per person on your Grand Canyon vacation. You should take a permanent marker and write each person’s name on the ointment to ensure that if an accident does happen during an emergency, that each person has enough ointment to use to prevent infections, scraps, burns, bites, and other types of injuries.
- Eye drops, and a form of solution to cleanse the eyes. This, too, should be bought for each person going on the trip to prevent contagious agents from other people entering the eyes of someone else.
- Sting and bite kit. This will aid in snake bites, scorpion bites, and bee bites. In natural settings, these types of bites and stings often occur. It is likely in an emergency that doctors and medical facilities are limited, so it is vital to have this type of product on hand. The Grand Canyon is absolutely massive and receiving medical assistance quickly may not be possible.
- Scissors and tweezers. This will be very effective if you must cut bandages, remove splinters, and nails.
- Many over-the-counter medications should be included in every first aid emergency supply kit. These medications include Tylenol, Aspirin, and Relief for stomach problems, laxatives, and anti-diarrhea medications. If you have small children or babies, you should ensure that you have age appropriate versions of this medication in your first aid section.
- Protective masks.
- You may want to purchase a whistle for each person in the home so that they are able to signal for help during an emergency.
Many people do not consider having water and food worked into their First Aid Kit for the Grand Canyon, but it is very important to do so.
You can purchase a wide variety of prepackaged foods and waters to include in this type of kit. It is important that these are included so that one may keep their strength and hydration during an emergency. You can find emergency food online through many sources.
An effective first aid emergency kit may end up costing anywhere between $50.00 and $100.00, but it is a wise investment. Your family will thank you for creating such an expansive kit should an emergency ever occur.
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